Meggy Bellerive Bio

Registered Massage Therapist

Meggy is passionate about health and wellness and enjoys the moments where this intersects with her career as a Registered Massage Therapist. She is a kind and caring individual who deeply understands the demands that come with living an active lifestyle outside and in the mountains.

Meggy’s style is inspired by osteopathic approach and using movement as therapy, Meggy blends myo-fascial massage with crania-sacral therapy and visceral manipulation, help you find ease and freedom in your body. She has completed her Cranio-Sacral Therapy training with the Upledger Institute and Visceral manipulation training with Barral institute.

As an avid skier, hiker, runner, biker, and overall outdoor enthusiast herself, she is acutely aware of the demands that come from living an active life and how massage therapy can help support an active lifestyle.

Meggy’s is new project is learning how to navigate the ocean and continue exploring the coastal mountains.